Tag: genz

  • Olive Branch to Gen Z from Gen X Watch

    Olive Branch to Gen Z from Gen X Watch

    Andrew: My God, are we gonna be like our parents?Claire: [teary] Not me…ever.Allison: It’s unavoidable, it just happens.Claire: What happens?Allison: When you grow up, your heart dies…Bender: Who cares?Allison: I care.― The Breakfast Club This scene from The Breakfast Club was part of what is known as the Library Confessions scene. The entire scene was…


  • The Totally Awesome Stats and Growth!

    The Totally Awesome Stats and Growth!

    Thank you for being part of a great start to Gen X Watch! March was totally awesome! In a moment we are going to tell you how amazing March was here. We started on Jan 20th with a website, a FB Page, and an article. We ended March with amazing growth! That could not happen…


Gen X Watch