In the month of November Gen X Watch experienced another month of growth! 5% in unique readers to be exact. But the readers also made it clear that women and mental health matter.
Before we get into your top 3 for the Month of November, we wanted to take a moment to thank you. We could not do this without you, the readers. Some of you make this possible financially by being a Patreon, but the very fact you read, comment, and share with friends is the biggest driving force in this project being possible. We have a limited marketing budget and we make use of every Patreon dollar we get as cleverly as we can, but at the end of the day it is you who drives us forward.
Now, before the top 3, here is an important reminder.
Fem Friday’s New Home at Tawnlandia and Medium!
In an important collaboration with Tawlandia, Fem Friday has a new home and we need your help in supporting it!
Go to Tawlandia’s Medium Page and check out the most recent episode!
Medium is subscriber content and that small fee will not only get you to the member’s only content, but all that Medium has to offer! Best of all, Tawnlandia and GenX Watch get modest revenue from every view.
But we do understand that times are tight for many, so there are other ways to read and listen. You can always listen for free at Tawndia’s Feminist Forum! While there, check out all the other amazing content and authors they work with!
When you listen, share, and support the new home for Fem Fridays, you are also listening to the new voice of not only Fem Friday, but the upcoming Hearts of Glass YA book series based on the most popular Fem Friday articles.
It is an amazing new collaboration and we need your help to get it off the ground the same way you helped make this space possible.
That share you give may be a few moments of your time, but the impact is huge for us. It drives more traffic to the site, increases readership, engagement, and overall visibility. Today’s search engines and social media does not favor small enterprises like this in the way it used to. It is harder than ever before for readers and small creators to connect, but here we are growing inch by inch. That does not happen without people who dare to read, think, and move beyond memes and the TL/DR mindset!
November’s Top Three Articles!
#1 was when a dear friend whom we have written about in a Fem Friday Feature was in the ICU. We are happy to report that a few days ago she finally got to go home after more than a month in the hospital! The recovery will be long and arduous, but there is light at the end of what was once a dark and scary tunnel. Thank you for making this our number one.
#2 was a thrill to know so many of you were excited to know Fem Friday was taking a new step as it outgrew Gen X Watch and needed to grow in one of our most important collaborations ever! Especially with everything going on in the US and the world right now, it is more important than ever for these stories to have a broader audience.
#3 was an important conversation we need to continue about mental health and suicide. It is graphic and the stats we listed are scary, but there are too many precious lives in the balance right now.
Coming in December!
With Christmas, Chanukah/Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus for the Rest of Us, and many more, it is truly the season of celebration, reflection, and giving!
Our focus will not only be on giving you content with inspiring stories suited for the Holidays, but also the gift of the inside scoop of the upcoming book series and how you can not only take part in it, but have a cameo in a YA book series!
We also have new collaborations to announce that are connected to the work of Tawnlandia, Gen X Watch and Barnstorm Publishing’s work on the upcoming book series.
So strap in and get ready for some adventures!
Stay totally awesome and stay true to you!
Support Pat Green, Fem Friday, and Hearts of Glass!

We rely on readers like you to continue our work. A few moments and you can make a difference:
1. Share this story with a friend and leave a comment.

2. Tip me! I need your support!
3. Become a Members Only Patreon! In the Patreon we have a members only podcast and other goodies.
Thank you for your support and taking the time to read this.
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