Justin Case You Need to Read Great Books

Just In Case Books

Can a struggling PI find his missing girlfriend and Africa? Will aliens, time travel, multiverses and the pyramids of Giza all be part of the adventure? And are ghosts more than what we think them to be? In the case files of Justin Case by author Scott Edwards, the answer is yes.

Sunday Showcase: A New Feature on Gen X Watch!

In my life I have worn many hats. Paid public speaker, author, columnist, photo journalist, band promoter, and marketing and PR campaign consultant. Over the years I have been fortunate enough to meet many people who are creatives. Writers, poets, musicians, models, artists, and politicians.

I am the editor in chief of an online and print magazine that has a growing audience. When I wrote about Siouxsie Sioux, I learned that some of my readers did not know her music. What else are you missing out on but will enjoy? Every Sunday Showcase will feature either a Gen X creator or someone inspired by Gen X icons to create. Stuff that you should discover!

The Justin Case Chronicles

To date there are three books covering the adventures of Private Detective Justin Case with a fourth in production. The books feature struggling PI Justin Case. He is a detective with a backstory that includes 15 minutes of fame now at an end as he struggles to make ends meet. His girlfriend is missing, but before he can start looking into that mystery, he is contacted by the US government to assist in a Top Secret mission.

Africa is missing. The entire continent!

Why I Love These Books and You Will Too

Earth is in peril because of this! Justin and his eclectic team will have to navigate aliens, time travel, the multiverse, and even “ghosts” to save existence. It is cleverly written science fiction that has reflections of Douglas Adams, Christopher Moore, and many others that include humor and social statements into their work without going Ayn Rand on you with an agenda.

The comedy is seamlessly written into the plot, but it also contains many bittersweet moments that will draw you in to the characters on an emotional level. The pace and story development is excellent and keeps you engaged without overwhelming you.

These books have swiftly become some of my favorite Sci Fi books and are proud additions of my personal library!

Later in this article there will be an incentive for you to buy and review these books for yourself!

Pop Culture Easter Eggs

In the truest and most excellent craftmanship of writing, author Scott Edwards seamlessly works in pop culture references into the fabric of the story. As a nostalgia fueled Gen Xer this has always been a draw to me. Family Guy, Psych, Ready Player One, Black Mirror, Gravity Falls, and many other works do this so very well. But Scott Edwards does it better than any of the ones I have listed.

I asked the author, Scott Edwards, about his use of pop culture references from Gen X lore and his answer was fascinating!

“The pop culture references really comes pretty natural for me. I’m a movie lover, a comic book geek, a television junky, and the son of a former independent DJ, so my own head is full of this stuff. Pop culture is an unavoidable part of our society and a reflection of who we are, so I figure it’d be the same way in the fictional world of The Justin Case Chronicles as well.

Some of the references are planned ahead, and some just come to me as I’m writing a scene. Early on in the writing of Here At There I made a post on Facebook where I asked for suggestions of tv shows or movies that people might like to see me work into the book somehow. One reply was HR Puff n Stuff, so that’s where that reference came from.

A lot of things in the books were influenced by other books, shows, or films that I’ve consumed in my life. Some are probably pretty obvious and some not so much. Occasionally I make direct reference to it, like when Justin tries to affect his present by manipulating his own future actions with regard to time travel. In the book Justin says something along the lines of, ‘I saw something like this in a movie once. Bonus points if you know which one.'”

Lost and Found by Scott Edwards

Private Detective Justin Case’s 15 minutes of fame are up. The world has all but forgotten him, he is out of money, and he hasn’t had a client in weeks. If not for his awesome girlfriend Sue Crose, he’d most likely be out of business and flipping burgers for a living.

But now Sue seems to have gone missing, and before Justin can even begin to search for her a government agent shows up at his door with a lost item case like none he’d ever imagined — one that brings him face to face with people who don’t exist, technologies that haven’t been invented yet, and a trip he never thought he’d take. But no matter what happens, this case must be solved quickly. The fate of the Earth depends on it.

Here to There by Scott Edwards

Private Detective Justin Case and his friends just gave their lives to stop an accident that would destroy the world. At least, that’s what they had intended to do. Somehow, Justin, Freddie, and Elias find themselves to be very much alive. What’s more, it appears as though their sacrifice has failed.

Now they find themselves on a barren landscape somewhere in the blackness of space, lost, helpless, and alone. Surprisingly, it isn’t long before some new friends join the adventure, but which are truly allies and which are secret enemies? From a hidden bunker in the desert to a hospital in the far future to the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza to a space station in an interdimensional pocket of space-time, Justin isn’t about to let failure stop him from saving the world after all.

There to Here by Scott Edwards

Private Detective Justin Case’s brief period of fame is long over, his bills are all overdue, and he hasn’t had a client in weeks. He’s broke and bored. But when Terry Lambert comes through his door with a manuscript supposedly written by Justin himself and relating a wild and crazy tale of adventure, things start to get quite a bit more interesting. Before long Justin is paying visits to the FBI, NASA, a secret underground organization, and the pyramids of Giza, all in a quest to prove the events in Lambert’s story are true, discover whether ghosts really exist, and most importantly of all, save the world. Again.

About Author Scott Edwards

Author Scott Edwards

Scott Edwards spent his early years in Western New York and grew up in suburban Chicago, Illinois. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree from University of Central Florida and has spent his entire professional career in retail management for a variety of companies. He is a lifelong fan of the Buffalo Bills and an admitted comic book geek. Today he lives in the Orlando area with his wife, son, daughter, and a too-smart-for-his-own-good Jack Russell mix, all of whom deserve awards for putting up with him. He has been a Star Wars lover since the summer of 1977. THE JUSTIN CASE CHRONICLES is his first published novel series.

Gen X Watch Pop Culture Rewards!

Pizza Hut Book It Button Next to Pizza
Photo By Jumbledpile/flikr Some Rights Reserved

In the spirit of Pizza Hut’s Book it program that got so many of us to read more books, I want you to read these books and everything we will feature on Sundays!

Every one of you that let’s me know in the comments that you bought one of the books and give us an email address, you will get a free digital copy of the first issue of Gen X Watch Quarterly Magazine!

If after reading one of these amazing books, you take the time to write a review that helps the author and let me know, I will send you an official Gen X Watch button for your bitchin acid washed jean jacket! These buttons will not be for sale in the merch page. They will only be available to people who support the creatives in the Sunday showcases!

How to Get the Justin Case Adventures

Go to Scott Edwards’ Author Page on Amazon to get them all in your preferred format! Don’t forget to tell us when you buy it and review it to get your free magazine and totally awesome button!


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Thank you for your support and taking the time to read this.

Stay Totally Awesome! Stay true to you.

One response to “Justin Case You Need to Read Great Books”

  1. Scott Edwards Avatar
    Scott Edwards

    Excerpt from book one:

    Just as I turned in my chair towards the window to look outside, there came a knock at the door. I glanced up in surprise, hurried to sit properly at my desk, and straightened my tie.

    Through the opaque glass window, behind the backwards lettering which from the other side of the door read, “Justin Case, Private Detective,” I could make out the silhouette of my visitor, but I had no idea who it might be. Satisfied that I looked businesslike, I shouted for my guest to enter. The door swung open, and I frowned. I never did like working with the government.

    He was a tall, thin guy in a black suit and tie, wearing a black fedora and dark Ray-Ban sunglasses. He reminded me of one of the Blues Brothers, and I smirked at the thought. Jake, I think. No, Elwood. Oh, heck, now I’m mixing them up. Whichever was the tall skinny one.

    Anyway, he carried a briefcase in his right hand and under his other arm he held a thick fur coat. Without hesitation, he stepped up to my desk.

    “Not sure that you’ll need the fur today, pal,” I said calmly. I’ve always felt that it’s good to be casual with these government types. They already think pretty highly of themselves, and we don’t want them to feel like they can push us around, which technically they can, since they’re — you know — the government.

    The man ignored my remark and immediately began talking. “Agent Androll, FBI,” he began, flashing me his badge so quickly that for all I knew it could’ve been a Cracker Jack prize.

    That reference probably dates me a bit, since it reveals that I remember the days when Cracker Jack boxes had real prizes inside. But I digress.

    My visitor continued, “We’ve got a problem, Case. It’s outside of our usual areas of expertise. Word in the agency is you’re the best man for these kinds of jobs.”

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