Category: Nostalgia

  • Unveiling the Queer Coding in Miami Vice: A Perspective

    Unveiling the Queer Coding in Miami Vice: A Perspective

    Did the 80’s TV show Miami Vice change television as we know it? Was Miami Vice pushing the envelope on many topics? Is there an episode (arguably one of the best according to fans) that is not available on streaming? Did this banned episode have queer coding laced through the episode? Is it possible that…


  • The Atari 2600 Was More Important Than Nostalgia

    The Atari 2600 Was More Important Than Nostalgia

    Is the Atari 2600 nostalgic joy? Did this game console change an industry? Did it affect our culture in ways we did not think about? Oh god yes! Finding My Heart Losing the Keyboard and Grabbing a Joystick I had to stop writing and play some pac-man and pitfall to find my soul for this…


  • The Breakfast Club Library Confessions and Beautiful Tribes

    The Breakfast Club Library Confessions and Beautiful Tribes

    Does The Breakfast Club have insights we still need? Did belonging to a club or team help many of us find friends? Is it okay that these tribes were imperfect and the same as other tribes? Memorial for a Friend Last weekend I was at a memorial for a dear friend from high school who…


  • Being Pretty in Pink And How Not to Drown

    Being Pretty in Pink And How Not to Drown

    Name Redacted I recently interviewed one of the most popular women we’ve written about in Fem Fridays. You first met Heather in my Madonna Piece, “When Material Girls Make a Rule.” Her essence and mentions of her were in other stories, but more popular than the Fem Fridays is Heather’s interview. In the interview Heather…


  • Is There Still Time for the Mister Rogers Generation?

    Is There Still Time for the Mister Rogers Generation?

    Is Gen X the Mister Rogers generation? Did a neighborhood fight the lie of consumerism with love? Do we still need to live his lessons? Can we be the helpers while being liked just the way we are? I hope so, because everything is on the line right now. A Neighborhood in Our Living Room…


  • We Are Time Travelers Yearning to be Heard

    We Are Time Travelers Yearning to be Heard

    Was Ray Bradbury the inspiration for this magazine and website? Is time travel possible on a porch or a digital screen? Does it matter? You’ll have to answer this one. I hope you say yes. Dandelion Wine For my 13th birthday my grandmother bought me a Ray Bradbury book. Dandelion Wine. Ironically I already had…