Category: FemFridayVol2

  • The Little Earthquakes Of Tori Amos Briefly Enlightened

    The Little Earthquakes Of Tori Amos Briefly Enlightened

    Is Tori Amos powerful? Does her music have something to say that matters? Are Sirens sometimes lighthouses? Yes. She almost got through to me for a season. Tori Amos in Brief Tori Amos was a minister’s kid with a deeply religious mother. At 21 she survived a horrific sexual assault at knife point. She was…


  • You Oughta Know Alanis Morissette Played God

    You Oughta Know Alanis Morissette Played God

    Could one of the most powerful bad break up songs shake up the music world? Would a break out album inspire many women? Did the singer hold true to her vision of feminism, gender equality, and marriage equality? Is God a woman? If we’re talking about the iconic Alanis Morissette, yes. That Particular Time In…


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