Category: Culture

  • My Love Letter To Hip Hop

    My Love Letter To Hip Hop

    The Intro My family moved to the Cleveland area in 1983 and having moved into a racially mixed area on the southeast side I became aware of hip hop culture by my pre-teens. Our neighborhood was around the corner from Cleveland proper. It was a place full of young families, many were Black, that were…


  • Cleaning House With Joe Jackson While Being a Real Man

    Cleaning House With Joe Jackson While Being a Real Man

    Did Joe Jackson know that not everything is Night and Day? Do we need to ask who the Real Men are? Is it time to keep a promise and make a confession as Editor-in-Chief of Gen X Watch? Yeah. Joe Jackson and the Lost Masterpiece In 1982 Joe Jackson released an album called Night and…


  • Yearbook Nostalgia and the Artistic Quest to be Kind

    Yearbook Nostalgia and the Artistic Quest to be Kind

    Dear Mr. Vernon. We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you’re crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us: in the simplest terms,…


  • St Patrick’s Day and the Music of Revolution

    St Patrick’s Day and the Music of Revolution

    By Jeremy Ritch My official title with Gen X Watch is culture and music editor. So that is my focus, of course, but in those areas, the often-uncomfortable space of social and politics collide. With St. Patrick’s Day being upon us, I wanted to write about such a collision as an activist and a person…


Gen X Watch