Category: Culture

  • Nostalgia in a Modern World: Embracing Meaning

    Nostalgia in a Modern World: Embracing Meaning

    “The Greek word for “return” is nostos. Algos means “suffering.” So, nostalgia is the suffering caused by an unappeased yearning to return.”― Milan Kundera, Ignorance Gen X tends to fall into a trap of judgmental attitudes towards other generations too often. We exaggerate our upbringings as these overly independent coming of age stories that are…


  • Gen X Music Was The Best Music For Gen X

    Gen X Music Was The Best Music For Gen X

    Was the music of our generation the best? Does today’s music just not connect as well? Kind of. There’s a lot to unpack. When I was a teenager I got to constantly hear Boomers and the Silent Generation tell me that my music was simply noise. Unless that Boomer was Tipper Gore or a Minister,…


  • Gen X Conditional Love Trap

    Gen X Conditional Love Trap

    One night I received a phone call from a woman I’ve known since we were teens. Her child had recently came out trans. She told me that her child was in a local hospital for a suicide attempt. I pulled my car over and collected my breath as I asked her how she was and…


  • Unveiling the Queer Coding in Miami Vice: A Perspective

    Unveiling the Queer Coding in Miami Vice: A Perspective

    Did the 80’s TV show Miami Vice change television as we know it? Was Miami Vice pushing the envelope on many topics? Is there an episode (arguably one of the best according to fans) that is not available on streaming? Did this banned episode have queer coding laced through the episode? Is it possible that…


  • I’m here, I’m Queer, and I’m Still Figuring It Out

    I’m here, I’m Queer, and I’m Still Figuring It Out

    The Intro My understanding of Queer culture and PRIDE came gradually as I grew up in the Midwest. I was not heavily exposed to LGBTQ culture as a kid on the southeast side of Cleveland. The diversity I experienced most was Black culture in my neighborhood and Indian culture due to my best friend. I…


  • Powerful Work Gen X Men Can Do In #Metoo

    Powerful Work Gen X Men Can Do In #Metoo

    Is #metoo necessary? Is there work men should do in response? It the work hard? Yes. And if you do the work it is going to be uncomfortable, but it needs to be done. The work is not for poser wannabe men who are not as punk as Billy Idol. It will take real men…


  • Freddie Mercury’s Love in Contrast With Christian Hate

    Freddie Mercury’s Love in Contrast With Christian Hate

    Freddie Mercury and Queen helped me see the contrast of the ugly side of the church and the beauty of art. My queer child and I saw the movie “Bohemian Rhapsody” together on New Year’s Eve of 2018. The theater was packed. One of the movie’s key moments was the 1985 Wembley Stadium performance of…


  • David Bowie Showed Us How to Be Heroes

    David Bowie Showed Us How to Be Heroes

    To make David Bowie to be a saint or a sinner is to not understand that life exists in the nuance of neither. There are important messages in his art, but also his life. In many ways, Bowie has served as an example of acceptance, intersection, and living life on your terms. As a parent,…


  • Then and Now: Queer Quips

    Then and Now: Queer Quips

    From the hidden corners of underground bars to the vibrant online space of today, queer jokes have evolved alongside changing societal attitudes. Let’s reflect on the transformation of queer humor from an increased understanding of how jokes can harm to celebrating resilience, resistance, and queer joy. THEN: Gay! We’ve all seen the gif. You know…


  • Facing The Music: Looking Back and Looking Inward

    Facing The Music: Looking Back and Looking Inward

    As a Gen X adult nostalgia is a huge part of nearly every aspect of life—assume for all generations this is true. Since my formitive years I’ve looked back on my musical journey, the pop cultural archives in my mind, and the fond memories of things that likely are more romantic than reality. With these…


Gen X Watch