Can death and awareness of limited mortality inspire something beautiful? Could a precious few friends help create a community and almost 10,000 articles read a month? Have there been some challenges to overcome along the way? If we are talking about Gen X Watch, yes.
Sunday Showcase Shines A Mirror on Us (and you)
This article marks the 50th article on Gen X Watch. Some of you have been with us since the beginning and many of you have joined us in the last month. A lot of you! How many?
In March just under 2,700 of you were reading articles at Gen X Watch. April is not over yet. As of this writing and over 9,600 pairs of eyes or ears engage with articles that you shared, commented on and enjoyed. That level of explosive growth and engagement has floored us and not only validates a vision, but shows us that there are more people like us who want more from the Internet.
We want to celebrate women who inspired us, healthy nostalgia with an understanding that trauma and horror is sometimes associated with beauty, and to discover new things the younger generations are creating. Every share of something that has paragraphs and nuance and ideas as opposed to a rage meme shows us that there are amazing people like you who will sift through the fight or flight amygdala induced material the algo serves you to seek out something more. I don’t know what else you are reading, but we must be in great company because finding us in the algo is not easy. Heck, this month it actually got harder but you kept on reading.
April and the Month of Ironic Controversy
Jeremy Ritch, our music and social columnist gave us a beautiful article. It was supposed to yet another review of Taylor Swift and Beyonce’s new albums. But it turned into something more. It was not only a celebration of music and accomplishment of two amazing women, it was also a social statement on how people infused with keyboard courage who do not like something will become self appointed toxic avengers trying to steal joy from others as opposed to just focusing on what they love and give people the space to enjoy their thing.
This was a poignant article with important statements. It rose to the 8th most popular article on Gen X watch. But it was an uphill climb that came at a cost.
Shortly after someone commented on the article with what was likely an honest misreading made an accusation that Jeremy and the article diminished women, voting rights, and LGTQIA+ people and they would not expect such behavior from a queer person. As the editor in chief I wanted to get some insight and clarity. I thanked the person for expressing their concerns, showcased the quotes from the article that mentioned these very important issues we all hold dear at Gen X Watch, and asked for clarification without invalidating their feelings.
The person never responded. What I did not know is the damage had already begun and it would hurt us and cost me money we, frankly, don’t have. Somehow the comment was picked up by someone who did not read the article and spread a message about that we were against women, queer folk, and voting rights. In less than 24 hours we would receive strikes on TikTok and a suspension on IG. While that was going on there was a strong malicious attack on the website.
A sleepless day and a half was spent with my web hosting customer service and IT department in a battle to keep the site from crashing while firming up the firewalls and moving the flood of crawler traffic into a black hole.
IG is our second largest source of referral traffic and I am grateful that they took my appeal to heart, spent two days researching the matter, and found that we violated no terms of service. We had to let go of TikTok, however.
As the editor in chief and founder, I need to make something abundantly clear. We will never intentionally post something that is negative towards women, queer people, minorities, or any marginalized community. If we ever were to accidentally say something harmful from a space of privilege and ignorance, we would immediately apologize, rectify the matter, and educate ourselves further to ensure we don’t harm precious and beautiful people that matter.
We survived, but it came at a cost. There is a deep irony that a piece that celebrated creative women and recriminated keyboard courage infused toxicity became the article that we were attacked by fellow progressives infused with keyboard courage who didn’t read the article, but assumed what was said about us was true.
What You Love and Celebrated Here
I am always paying attention to what you are reading and responding to and what you are not. I read the comments, engage with some of you privately, and take it all to heart. Though this is my vision supported by some amazing friends, that vision includes you. We are nothing without you and we want this to be a symbiotic relationship where we celebrate each other and listen to one another. I believe there is a connection between writer and reader, artist and listener/viewer/etc.
We want to give you more of what you want, and less of what you don’t. Sometimes we want to challenge you and there are important core values that we will not back down from. More on that later.
Your Top Ten of the First 50
If ever there is an article that almost went viral, it is what I wrote about Mister Rogers. I wanted him to encourage you one more time with the messages that he gave us as children and what he said to adults. The rest of the articles do not even come close to this one in reads and shares.
You leaned into Brian’s letter in the Breakfast Club as you enjoyed our artistic tribute to high school yearbook splash pages.
Right on the heels of that you wanted to pop your favorite cassette into your Walkman and celebrate it’s impact on how we engage with music and the world.
You continued on with Musical Discovery and the Crime of Gatekeeping, Swatch Watches and why they matter, how we are all Time Travelers Yearning to be Heard, you wanted to Go Back to the Mall for third places that are essential to a healthy society, you celebrated Tay and Bey while standing against shit-posting, you held space for Jeremy as he spoke of overcoming addiction and mourned the loss of Kurt Cobain, and you closed out the top ten with Mixtape Memories and how our adventures in music piracy ended the cold war and helped make hip hip possible.
The Mixtape was the number 1 article from the end of January until the end of March. April changed everything and we love that!
The Power of Fem Friday
On the heels of the top ten is almost all of the Fem Friday articles. From the moment we wrote about Joan Jett in our third Fem Friday article it exploded into something that had a life of its own.
What was different about that one from the 2 before it? It included the story of a woman I knew when I was younger that I met at a Joan Jett concert in Ohio. Her name was Sarah and she changed me for the better decades ago. Her story and her impact on me while she was alive impacted many of you as well.
We told stories of famous women in the 80s and 90s and normal and amazing young women who, inspired and influenced by icons, influenced me to become a better man in a time where I stood on the edge of two worlds.
I told the stories out of sequence and you read, celebrated, and allowed yourself to be moved and challenged. Some of you even discovered new music that has existed for decades.
Many of the readers who come to Gen X Watch visit only on Friday’s to celebrate women. I love that! If any of the Friday only readers find their way to this article, thank you for doing that and we have more for you soon.
Though Fem Friday will continue, Fem Friday as you know it will change and evolve. This special era began with Joan Jett and Sarah and it will end with Joan Jett and Sarah. More on that later in this article.
Other Amazing Things Our Readers Have Done
Every single one of you who reads, comments, shares and financially supports us with tips and being a Patreon amazes us. All of those little things you do, especially the shares, helps us so much. Algorythms are no longer favorable to articles and op/ed journalism sites like this one. We should not be able to exist and have an audience, but with you partnering with us, we are here and growing.
Please keep sharing! You have no idea how much that helps!
There are so many things you can be doing with your time and so many amazing things you could be reading and you choose to be here.
But I want to take a moment to speak about some of the other amazing things you have done!
Welcoming Jeremy Ritch
I have been a columnist and a writer for over 20 years now. In that time I have never seen a community of readers welcome a new writer and element into a project like this as swiftly as you have Jeremy.
Though Jeremy Ritch was a music promoter in the 90’s and a journalist for many years, Jeremy is not a name many people know. But you know great writing when you read it. In a rare moment in the Internet you latched on to beauty, integrity, authenticity and truth. All of those words describe and define Jeremy.
I have known Jeremy for 18 years now. Jeremy has enriched me and challenged me over almost two decades and many misadventures in Chicago, Baltimore, Washington D.C., Memphis, Nashville, NYC and Harrisburg.
Because of Jeremy I am a better man, writer, artist, friend, and father. In some ways I owe Jeremy my life and the well being of my child.
To be collaborating with Jeremy on this project means everything to me and I am so grateful for the friendship, the inspiration and the art.
To see all that Jeremy has written here, click the link below:
You Discovered New Things and Supported Other Creatives
One troubling thing about many Gen X memes and content is this myth that we are superior and there is no more good music, art, journalism, and books out there. We were the end all be all of pop culture and everything is shit and everyone is shit. That shit makes my eye twitch.
Through Fem Fridays and other articles many of you have discovered the the books of Ray Bradbury and movies like Benny and Joon along with artists like Bikini Kill, X-Ray Specs, and Patti Smith.
But even more amazing than that, some of you took the time to hear Jeremy Ritch out as he exposed you to amazing artists like Ami Alex and Snow Angel. Then you trusted me enough to take a deeper look into the books of new author Scott Edwards and the amazing world of Tawnlandia, a world full of feminism, powerful women, audiobooks, and dragons!
What to Expect in the Next 50!
We are going to keep giving you the content you love. Nostalgia that matters today, stories of powerful women, and new music and art that will appeal to you along with honest reflection of who we all are with intelligent social commentary chock full of angst and f bombs. We will keep giving you stories that matter. But we are adding some new things.
More Columnists!
Jeremy and I will continue to be here as your regulars, but there is room for so many other people we are meeting to flex their writing skills and add to the vision. Very soon you are going to be seeing articles written by 3 amazing women about important things. Sometimes it will be heartfelt personal stories from a woman’s perspective. Other times it will be important social commentary.
I am always open to more of that. When you write for us I do not micromanage as the editor in chief. I trust you and your vision matters. Once I agree to have you contribute something, I will honor your words and have your back if there is a shitstorm.
But know that I have rejected some writers. Sometimes the vision just did did not reflect who we are and I always steered those writers to spaces where I believe they would find a better fit and even created a warm handshake to the people in those spaces to help them get published. If I can be the key master and unlock a gate for someone, I will.
There have been others I will not publish because I look at their media and I am uncomfortable. What they write is toxic and represents what we are trying to be the counter to. One of those spaces offered me a golden carrot to give him a larger platform. I would rather be broke and sleep at night than take the carrot and feed my family at the expense of others.
More Interviews!
My interview with a woman named Heather from the Fem Friday article about Madonna is the 11th most popular read article right before the Fem Friday articles. Our readers celebrate the interviews of “ordinary” people who are truly extraordinary.
Coming soon we are already working on an interview with a Gen Z record store owner, a poet who recently published a book of poetry about chronic pain, and a Gen X woman who grew up in Moscow and wants to tell you what we had in common and what was different for Gen X kids from Russia during the Cold War. The Russian interview will also be our first bi-lingual piece.
More Representation!
We are off to a strong start on inclusion at Gen X Watch, but we need to do more. We will never write “Trauma Porn.” When possible we will ensure the represented stories are told by people from that demographic. Sometimes I will take point, but I will always do so with great care and the knowledge that an ally supports and follows, they do not lead the charge. An imaginary analogy I use often is it would be horrific if Pat Boone mansplained to Gloria Steinem what feminism is and claimed to be an ally and leader.
I am qualified to introduce ideas and communities. I can share my lessons I have learned and encourage you to discover more authoritative resources and take actions to bridge the social and opportunity gaps we have. But I am ever mindful of my place and my lane.
Along with the representation topic, we need to have an uncomfortable and important discussion. Many of you have constructive notes for me, and I have something I need to say.
Notes From the Editor in Chief to the Readers
In my decades as a freelance columnist I have worked under a variety of editors in different beats. A good editor will have your back and offer great feedback. As a journalist people who did not get the confirmation bias they desire will want you out on your ass. A good editor in chief will defend you, fade the heat, and back your journalistic integrity. But that same person will give you honest feedback when there is a concern. The concern is not about readership or sales, it is out of love of the craft and a belief that you can be more.
You, the reader, are someone I appreciate and celebrate. I will always have your back. But I have some concerns that are not about Gen X Watch, but seeped in concern because I believe some of you can be so much more.
My Diverse Wish For You
As strong as the Fem Fridays are, there is a disturbing lack of reads when the topic is a woman of color, queer, or has a disability. Additionally, when Jeremy and I write about black people or black issues, there is a reduction in reads and shares. Our largest demographic is white college educated liberal women. The second largest demographic is white liberal men with some college.
As I noticed this trend I spoke with associates in journalism with experience in national and local television and print journalism and learned this is common.
There was a time in my life that I was a conservative minister before I deconstructed toxic beliefs and ideas. I had to lean on the memories and lessons of many of the women you read about in Fem Fridays along with modern thinkers. My queer child’s life and well being was literally on the line. I challenged myself and read the queer voices, the black voices, the voices of those who need greater representation and accessibility.
I exist as I am because of them. My life is enriched, my world is broader and more beautiful. I see everything in my world from how I experience music to how I feel about all of us and myself differently. There are friends I have now and we live in a symbiosis.
A woman in a mobility device is always there to help me and my child and other young people we know. A woman who is blind will send me long messages about my content and challenge me to grow. There are countless women in my life right now and in my past that are black, Hispanic, queer and trans that help and enrich me in this struggle called life.
I want this beautiful life I have for yourself to experience.
There are so many wonderful diverse authors, musicians, artists, professors, thinkers, content creators, neighbors and coworkers who have so much to teach us and they also need our authentic allyship that goes beyond memes. Without listening to their voices, some of you (with good intention) post memes that are actually hurtful to the very people you claim to be in allyship with. And while we live with content binders on, we miss out on so much that can enrich us and make our lives more beautiful.
For the precious few that read these articles and engage with me, thank you! You mean so much. But for some of you, my wish for you is that you engage intentionally in the diverse world around you so you can have a more beautiful life while helping improve the lives of others.
The Diversity Dilemma I Face
In some cases I can pivot and write less about topics that do not interest the readers. And in some topics that is just people not connecting with something and that is fine. We are in a relationship and I have no problem paying attention to what you love and giving more of that. But when that less or more violates a core principle of who I am, I can’t do some things and feel comfortable with the decision.
Fem Friday is changing as a result. The Fem Friday as you know it is ending soon with a powerful last story about Joan Jett and Sarah. After that Fem Friday will exist but it will look different. There will be more coverage of all women. Black women, latina women, trans women, women with disabilities, and on and on. I know it will lead to a reduced readership and that is unfortunate, but it matters.
For everyone who has made Fem Friday so strong and beautiful, we will have more of the era that you fell in love with in different spaces. Tawn of Tawnlandia and I are working on audio content of the Fem Friday Pat-Verse story era. There is also a book and an omnibus in the works to ensure those beautiful stories remain and find new audiences.
Those articles were dear to me because the women were dear to me. It also allowed me the opportunity to unpack some traumas I have experienced and that has been healing for me and for many readers. That matters and the life of that time of Fem Friday needs to continue having it’s signal boosted in different formats. It is unique and powerful and beautiful. And as it has driven audiences to my site, I know it will do so for Tawnlandia and my book and magazine publisher while it continues to offer healing and support and voice to women and others who matter.
Ending on a High Note
When I started this on the heels of a friend’s death that reminded me my life is short, I never expected that I would have met the people I have a scant few months later and have made the difference I have to some. Please know that is a two way street and you have improved my life by being here and talking to me.
In the third act of life, the response to the first 50 has meant everything to me and I look forward to the next 50.
Thank you for reading, sharing, commenting, tipping and becoming a Patreon. Thank you for being my friend and a part of my life. Cheers!
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Thank you for your support and taking the time to read this.
Stay Totally Awesome! Stay true to you.
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