Month: July 2024

  • Queering The Lens Of History To Understand Our Present Chaos

    Queering The Lens Of History To Understand Our Present Chaos

    The transphobic and homophobic nature of some Christians led to them judging everything they saw through those lenses. To argue with that perception is to argue with a wall that has been fortified through years of reenforced conservative building blocks.


  • July Bridges Past Trauma to Future Hope

    July Bridges Past Trauma to Future Hope

    July's theme was a focus on common connections between generations. The main focus was X to Z, but the Silent Generation, Boomers, and Millennials were all touched on. This month was also the month that we reduced our volume of content so the Editor in Chief could focus on the YA novels based on some…


  • Thank You for Being a Friend Bea Arthur

    Thank You for Being a Friend Bea Arthur

    Do Bea Arthur and Cyndi Lauper have something in common? Could artist and art be unified in cause? Did Bea Arthur inspire me and change me in my 50’s? Yes. The Golden Girls is a rare and special gem in entertainment. A television sitcom that premiered in 1985 captured the hearts of the Silent Generation,…


  • Christian Nationalism and the Great Manipulation

    Christian Nationalism and the Great Manipulation

    The manipulation, indoctrination and unethical way that Evangelicals gripped my generation has spiraled into the current state of American political right—especially the MAGA crowd. Generation X were coming of age in the late 70’s-the early 90’s, just the American Evangelical movement was also weaving its way into national politics and attempting to find a hold…


  • Toy Soldiers Fighting for Better Lives

    Toy Soldiers Fighting for Better Lives

    Did an important song hit number 1 on this day in the 80s? Could a Latin Pop star tell a better story than a first lady? Was a song able to make an addicted teen pause? Martika and the song Toy Soldiers would be a hard yes. If I’m being honest, 1989 was a blur.…


  • Original Batgirl Yvonne Craig Fought More Than Jokers

    Original Batgirl Yvonne Craig Fought More Than Jokers

    Are there Gen Z fans of the original Batgirl? Was a ballet dancer turned actress also an activist? Did she fight more than Jokers? If we are talking about Yvonne Craig? Absolutely! A few weeks ago a 20 year old reached out to me on Instagram and asked if I knew who Yvonne Craig was.…


  • A Myth Grew Out Of Gen X: The Alpha Male

    A Myth Grew Out Of Gen X: The Alpha Male

    The concept of the alpha wolf is well ingrained in the popular wolf literature, at least partly because of my book “The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species,” written in 1968, published in 1970, republished in paperback in 1981, and in print until 2022. Although most of the book’s info is still accurate,…


  • Fem Friday’s Heather Lost Her Dad and Found Truths

    Fem Friday’s Heather Lost Her Dad and Found Truths

    Today’s Fem Friday is by reader request. The reader was also a subject of one the Fem Friday features and has appeared in other stories we have told. Today is a conversation with my dear friend, Heather. Heather was a teenager and Madonna fan who found herself homeless in a Mall when we met. Her…


  • Be Excellent to Each Other Instead of Bogus!

    Be Excellent to Each Other Instead of Bogus!

    The Harvard Institute of Politics did a study on youth fears regarding democracy. IOP Polling Director John Della Volpe feels that there’s a healthy debate raging on the reasons why Millennials and Gen Z are concerned. Politicians, media, big money, and structural barriers like racism and access to education are all contributing factors in the…


  • Six Generations of Kevin Bacon Love

    Six Generations of Kevin Bacon Love

    Is love lost when a star goes undercover? Can generations find intersection? Are we all six degrees of one man? Today is his birthday, so let’s find out! For those who do not know who Kevin Bacon is, here is the quick run down. He’s an actor who has been in many beloved classics like…